Saturday, April 25, 2015

Happy Mothers day Messages | Mothers day Messages | Son | Daughter

10th of May 2015 is a very important day for all of us in the world as we have happy mothers day celebration on this very day. Now we have only few weeks left for happy mothers day celebration preparation. Many of us must have already planned their happy mothers day celebration. So if you haven’t planned anything yet then we think its time to make plan for mothers day celebration. Here we have something for you like happy mothers day messages or you can say mothers day messages.
Happy Mothers day Messages | Mothers day Messages | Son | Daughter

Mothers day messages from son daughter

“Yôu âre the greâtest gift frôm the heâvens môther, filled with lôve ând câre fôr âll yôur children ând the entire fâmily.”

“Yôur smile brightens eâch dây just âs the môrning râys shines ôn the hills ând it’s with dôubt thât this gives us the côurâge tô fâce the new dây with jôy.”

“It’s my time tô knôw yôu thât hôw fôrtunâte ând speciâl I âm tô be blessed with â môther âs câring, lôving âs yôu. Wish yôu â hâppy Môther’s Dây Môm.”

“I believe in lôve ât the first sight fôr yôu âre the first persôn I sâw when I ôpened my eyes ând hâve lôved yôu since thât dây deâr mum.”

“With zeâl ând côurâge yôu hâve brôught ând fôught fôr us thât we cân shâre in lôve bôund with tôgetherness. Yôu âre sô speciâl tô us môther.”

“Âs mâny âs the stârs ôn the sky, sô dô I hâve âs much regârds tô the wômân whô brôught me tô this wôrld, hâppy môther’s dây!”

Happy Mothers day Messages | Mothers day Messages | Son | Daughter

“Âll yôur lôve, âll yôur câring wâys, âll yôur giving these yeârs âre the reâsôns why my heârt thinks ôf yôu ôn Môther’s Dây with â wish fôr hâppiness ând â wôrld full ôf lôve.”

“I just wânt yôu tô knôw hôw speciâl ând fôrtunâte I find myself tô be blessed with â môther âs lôving, câring ând wônderful âs yôu.”

“Yôur lôve môther runs like â streâm dôwn frôm the hills, refreshes us ând fills ôur heârts with jôy, we cherish yôu sô much môther.”

“In yôur ârms, yôu held us. Little did we knôw but yôu hâve given us the greâtest treâsure thât will never fâde in ôur heârt ând thât’s yôur lôve.”

“Â môther’s spell remâins the strôngest ând the heâlthiest, fôr in it we hâve leârnt hôw tô lôve ând câre.”

“Yôu âre my friend, my spirit, my influence tôwârds success. There is nô replâcement ôf yôu. Yôu âre the best ând will be best fôrever. Wish yôu â very Hâppy Môther’s Dây.”

“Thânks fôr âlwâys helping me tô remember whât is impôrtânt in life… ând tôdây it is yôu! Yôu âre the best! Wish Yôu  Hâppy Môther’s Dây.”

“Deâr môther, yôu hâve shôwn me true lôve withôut â meâsure, in yôur ârms I find my sâfest hâven thât shelters me whenever the stôrms rises beyônd âbility.”

“Yôu âre the best friend ând best môther ever. Mômmy yôu âre the seriôus gift tô me. Wish yôu â very Hâppy Môther’s Dây.”

“In my whôle life I hâven’t met â lâdy âs elegânt, beâutiful ând lôvely âs yôu. I lôve lôts mômmy. Wish yôu â very Hâppy Môther’s Dây.”
Happy Mothers day Messages | Mothers day Messages | Son | Daughter

“Môm, I gôt âll my best quâlities frôm yôu.
Âren’t we lucky thât yôu hâd enôugh fôr bôth ôf us? “

“I’m sô lucky tô hâve yôu âs my môther…
I’m sure nô ône else wôuld hâve put up with me this lông.
Hâppy Môthers Dây! “

“Môm, I knôw it’s hârd fôr yôu ôn Môther’s Dây…
tô hide the fâct thât I’m yôur fâvôrite
Hâppy Môther’s Dây! “

“Ônly â môther âs perfect âs yôu…
côuld hâve â (dâughter/sôn) âs perfect âs me.
Hâppy Môther’s Dây! “

“Môm, thânk yôu sô much fôr everything yôu’ve dône fôr me.
Dôn’t wôrry âbôut [brôther’s nâme], I knôw he isn’t yôur fâult, he must be âdôpted. “

“Hâppy Môther’s dây tô â wômân whô deserves â medâl…
fôr putting up with me âll these yeârs!”

“Thânks fôr letting me be â pârâsite in yôur bôdy fôr 9 mônths…
fôllôwed by ânôther 18 yeârs âs â pârâsite ôutside yôur bôdy.”

“Hâppy Môther’s Dây frôm yôur fâvôrite child!”

“Dôn’t yôu think it’s funny thât yôu’re still my Môther?
Yôu deserve tô hâve been prômôted by nôw!”

“Yôu’re â very speciâl môm sô I’d like tô give yôu â very speciâl gift.
Yôu cân hâve either â hug ôr â milliôn dôllârs, whichever yôu prefer.
Dô I knôw yôu well ôr whât!?”

There few more to come and hope that you will like this post and share with your friends and family members and stay tune to make your happy mothers day 2015 more precious and memorable.
Mother\s Dayquotes if Happy Mothers Day