Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Happy Mother’s Day 2015 Poems

Happy Mother’s Day 2015 Poems:Here i am going to share Top 5 Short Mother’s Day Poems 2015 in English. These Poem are very beautiful. You can read these Poems free of cost and also share to your lover Mother on this great day. Must read and share her. You can also visit our Article Happy Mother’s Day 2015 Whatsapp status or Happy Mother’s Day 2015 Facebook Status, I am sure you gonna loved our collection on FB and Whatsapp Status for Mother’s Day 2015.

Happy Mother’s Day Poems 2015 in Hindi and English, these are the few terms which we have mentioned in this Article. So in this Article we have collected some cool funny Mother’s Day Messages, you can select any of the Messages from our collection and send it to your family members or friends via social sites like Facebook and Twitter to greet them Happy Mother’s Day 2015. Some of us are also searching for Mother’s Day cover Photos or Timeline Images for Facebook, if you are one of them then you can visit our Article Mother’s Day 2015 Facebook Timeline Photos, Facebook Cover Images For Mother’s Day 2015.

Happy Mother's Day 2015 PoemsG?d made a wonderful ?other,
? Mother who never grows ?ld;
?e made her smile ?f the sunshine,
?nd he moulded her heart ?f pure gold;
?n her eyes he placed bright shining stars,
?n her cheeks fair r?ses y?u see;
G?d made a w?nderful ?other,
?nd ?e gave that dear ?other to ?e.? – O – T – H – E – R
“?” is for the milli?n things she gave me,
“O” means only that she is growing ?ld,
“T” is f?r the tears “SH?” shed t? save me,
“?” is f?r her heart ?f purest g?ld;
“?” is for her ?yes, With l?ve-light shining,
“R” means right, ?nd right she’ll always ?e,
Put them ?ll t?gether, They spell
? word that Means the world t? me.Y?urs were the first ?yes I looked ?nto.
Y?urs were the first arms t? hold ?e tight.
Y?u were the first t? show me ?ever-ending love and compassion.
F?rever . . . Y?u are my ?other
?nd i am blessed.?y Mother
?y Mother, ?y friend s? dear
Throughout ?y life you’re ?lways near.
? tender smile t? guide ?y way
Y?u’re the sunshine t? light ?y day.?undreds ?f stars ?n the pretty sky,
?undreds of shells ?n the shore t?gether,
?undreds of ?irds that g? singing ?y,
?undreds ?f lambs ?n the sunny weather,
?undreds ?f dewdrops t? greet the dawn,
?undreds ?f bees in the purple cl?ver,
?undreds of butterflies ?n the lawn,
?ut only one ?other the w?rld wide ?ver.? vase of Flowers in a wind?w frame.
? house ?f gentle light amid dark leaves.
?n ecstasy s? sharp it feels like anguish,
The pull that makes our beeline an ellipse.?o transcendental m?rning’s inspiration
S? ravishes the things W? ?ever see.
We hear for all ?ur lives ? silent music
T? which we dance unkn?wing Through ?ur time.?nd even when we die, there ?s a beauty
?lder than the c?ld december stars,
? part ?f us that waits behind the darkness
T? take us once again into its arms.? Mother casts her dreams int? the sea;
We, the w?rds sent bobbing t?wards the sun,
The eggs of st?ne, the shards ?f prophesy.?ecause she must c?nclude her melody
?nd fall back t? the sweet dark hush ?f one,
? Mother casts her dreams int? the sea,?oping t? cross that wild infinity
?nd on some infant shore again t? run,
The eggs of st?ne, The shards ?f prophesyOutside the fiery circle ?f memory,
The howling surf, The incessant years und?ne.
? Mother casts her dreams ?nto the sea?nd then dissolves ?nto a tapestry,
?er rolling, ?elpless drift again begun,
The eggs of st?ne, The shards ?f prophesy?float once m?re upon eternity,
Once more the alien fury, ?ever done …
?gain, again, ?er dreams into the sea,
The eggs of st?ne, The shards ?f prophesy!? villanelle for ?other’s Day
Sh?uld take me just about an hour:
Writing it is child’s play.?ecause i kn?w just what t? say,
?nd rhyming’s quite within my p?wer,
T? write ?t should be Child’s play.Yet plain speech is not my way:
? look for leaves t? shade my Flower,
This villanelle f?r ?other’s Day.? do not wish t? sound t?? fey,
Obscure, ?ystic, gushy, s?ur–
?rggh! Writing’s neverChild’s play!Yes, Childish! T? my dismay,
Far beyond the allotted hour,
This villanelle f?r ?other’s DayDawdles ?n. Let me just say
?t plain: ? love you and so and ?ur
Villanelle f?r ?other’s Day.
(Well … writing it was Child’s play.)
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