Saturday, April 25, 2015

Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes, 2015, Collection, Sms, Watsapp, Facebook

Here something that everybody like to share on their Facebook, Watsapp and through sending Sms, Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes 2015. We have sorted the best funny happy mothers day quotes for this year’s happy mothers day 2015. So enjoy the moment and share the quotes on your facebook, watsapp and through sms. We have collection of funny happy mothers day quotes.

Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes, Happy Mothers Day Quotes Funny, Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes for Facebook, Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes for Watsapp, Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes for Sms, Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes collection, Happy Mothers Day Quotes, Happy Mothers Day 2015 Funny Happy Mothers Day Quotes, 2015, Collection, Sms, Watsapp, Facebook

“A $mall boy !$ $ent to bed by h!$ mother…
[F!ve m!nute$ later] 
“!’m th!r$ty. ©an you br!ng me a gla$$ of water?” 
“No. You had your ©han©e. L!ght$ out.” 
[F!ve m!nute$ later] 
“!’m TH!R$TY…©an ! have a gla$$ of water??” 
“! told you NO! !f you a$k aga!n !’ll have to $pank you!!” 
[F!ve m!nute$ later] 
“When you ©ome !n to $pank me, ©an you br!ng me a gla$$ of water?”

The adv!©e your $on reje©ted !$ now be!ng g!ven by h!m to your grand$on.Work!ng mother$ are gu!nea p!g$ !n a $©!ent!f!© exper!ment to $how that $leep !$ not ne©e$$ary to human l!fe.Parent$ often talk about the younger generat!on$ a$ !f they d!dn’t have anyth!ng to do w!th !t.

“For week$ a $!x-year old lad kept tell!ng h!$ f!r$t-grade tea©her about the baby brother or $!$ter that wa$ expe©ted at h!$ hou$e.

One day the mother allowed the boy to feel the movement$ of the unborn ©h!ld. The $!x-year old wa$ obv!ou$ly !mpre$$ed, but made no ©omment. Furthermore, he $topped tell!ng h!$ tea©her about the !mpend!ng event. 

The tea©her f!nally $at the boy on her lap and $a!d, “Tommy, whatever ha$ be©ome of that baby brother or $!$ter you were expe©t!ng at home?” 

Tommy bur$t !nto tear$ and ©onfe$$ed, “! th!nk Mommy ate !t!” 

“One early morn!ng, a lady went !n to wake up her $on. “Wake up, $on. !t’$ t!me to go to $©hool!”
$on: “But why Mom? ! don’t want to go.”
Mom: “G!ve me two rea$on$ why you don’t want to go.”
$on: “Well, the k!d$ hate me for one, and the tea©her$ hate me, too!”
Mom: “Oh, that’$ no rea$on to not to go to $©hool. ©ome on now and get ready.”
$on: “G!ve me two rea$on$ why ! $hould go to $©hool.”
Mom: “Well, for one, you’re 52 year$ old. And for another, you’re the Pr!n©!pal!”

Visit us on regular basis and stay tune for the latest update on happy mothers day 2015. Do visit our other post for more on happy mothers day quotes. next post will be posted soon till that time enjoy.

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