Happy mothers day celebration across the world has already started and it’s time for us to prepare yourself for this very happy mothers day 2015 with various beautiful quotes, wishes, messages, greetings and poems. So here is some of our best collections of happy mothers day 2015, quotes, poems, wishes, messages and greetings. So enjoy this happy mothers day with your mother.
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f G0d.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f L0ve.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f 0ur $trength.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f 0ur Winning.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f wh0 direct u$ t0 right p@th t0 pr0ceed.
@nd ..@nd ..$0 0n..
I L0ve my M0ther very much…..
D0n’t let ur M0ther get @w@y fr0m u….
H@ppy M0ther’$ D@y..”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“H0w did y0u find the energy, M0m
T0 d0 @ll the thing$ y0u did,
T0 be te@cher, nur$e @nd c0un$el0r
T0 me, when I w@$ @ kid.
H0w did y0u d0 it @ll, M0m,
Be @ ch@uffeur, c00k @nd friend,
Yet find time t0 be @ pl@ym@te,
I ju$t c@n’t c0mprehend.
I $ee n0w it w@$ l0ve, M0m
Th@t m@de y0u c0me whenever I’d c@ll,
Y0ur inexh@u$tible l0ve, M0m
@nd I th@nk y0u f0r it @ll.”
“My mummy
Every0ne’$ M0ther
Le@rnt l0ve fr0m y0u
when required y0u hugged me @nd l0ved me.
Y0ur e@r$ @lw@y$ li$tened the v0ice 0f my he@rt
Y0u @lw@y$ re@lized @nd g@ve me y0ur $h0ulder t0 weep @nd t0 l@ugh
C@ught me by h@nd$ when I w@$ f@lling
0h!m0ther y0u @re gre@t next t0 @lmighty
but f0r me y0u @re in deep c0rner 0f my he@rt.”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“A m0ther$ like @ r@y 0f $un$hine
Wh0$e he@rt i$ ju$t pure g0ld.
@ m0ther be@m$ with h@ppine$$
th@t’ll never gr0w 0ld.
$he’ll $t@y in my he@rt f0rever
@$ if $he were in$ide
We’ve $h@red $0 m@ny thing$,
We l@ughed, we $miled, we cried.
I l0ve my m0ther very much
@nd $till thr0ugh0ut the ye@r$
We $h@re the m0ther d@ughter l0ve,
@nd @lw@y$ when I fe@r,
I kn0w I’ll @lw@y$ h@ve my m0ther
$0mewhere very ne@r!”
Y0u filled my d@y$ with r@inb0w light$,
F@iryt@le$ @nd $weet dre@m night$,
@ ki$$ t0 wipe @w@y my te@r$,
Gingerbre@d t0 e@$e my fe@r$.
Y0u g@ve the gift 0f life t0 me
@nd then in l0ve, y0u $et me free.
I th@nk y0u f0r y0ur tender c@re,
F0r deep w@rm hug$ @nd being there.
I h0pe th@t when y0u think 0f me
@ p@rt 0f y0u
Y0u’ll @lw@y$ $ee.”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
We wi$h we c0uld tell y0u,
M@ th@t h0w much y0u me@n t0 u$….
We h@ve n0 w0rd$ t0 $@y @b0ut
h0w much we @ppreci@te y0u…
h0w much we @dmire y0u…
h0w much we th@nk y0u
f0r everything y0u’ve d0ne.
We l0ve y0u $0 much M@…
H@ppy M0ther’$ D@y”
“My mummy,
Y0u @re my ‘$uperm0m’ in the wh0le w0rld..
@nd I’m y0ur ‘tinyher0' wh0 @lw@y$ bre@k the rule$
but never @cr0$$ the ‘wild’ b0rder$..
Y0u @lw@y$ pr0tect me with y0ur ‘m@gic t0uch’ & ‘mighty h@nd$’..
Y0u never let me d0wn even if I’m $0 cl0$e t0 be ‘termin@ted’ fr0m the univer$e..
$u$@nn@ 0 T@m, my de@re$t mummy,
I l0ve u t0d@y, t0m0rr0w n till the end..
H@ppy M@m@’$ D@y!!!”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“My Mummy i$ @$ nice @$ @ $weet
$he’$ @$ pretty @$ @ fl0wer
$he’$ @$ wi$e @$ @n 0wl
$he’$ @$ f@$t @$ @ cheet@h
$he c@n d@nce like the wind @nd c@n even $ing @ little.
But 0ne thing i$ f0r $ure.
I l0ve her @nd I @lw@y$ will!”
“My m0ther i$ @lw@y$ with me…
$he’$ the whi$per 0f the le@ve$
@$ y0u w@lk d0wn the $treet.
$he’$ the $mell 0f ble@ch
in y0ur fre$hly l@undered $0ck$.
$he’$ the c00l h@nd 0n y0ur br0w
when y0u’re n0t well.
Y0ur m0ther live$ in$ide y0ur l@ughter.
$he’$ cry$t@llized in every te@r dr0p.
$he’$ the pl@ce y0u c@me fr0m,
y0ur fir$t h0me…
$he’$ the m@p y0u f0ll0w
with every $tep th@t y0u t@ke.
$he’$ y0ur fir$t l0ve
@nd y0ur fir$t he@rt bre@k…
@nd n0thing 0n e@rth c@n $ep@r@te y0u.
N0t time, N0t $p@ce…
N0t even de@th…
will ever $ep@r@te y0u
fr0m y0ur m0ther…
Y0u c@rry her in$ide 0f y0u…”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“A m0ther wh0 never gr0w$ 0ld He m@de her $mile 0ut 0f $un$hine
@nd he m0lded her he@rt 0ut 0f g0ld
In her eye$ he pl@ced bright $hining $t@r$
In her cheek, r0$e$, y0u $ee….
G0d m@de @ w0nderful m0ther
@nd he g@ve th@t de@r m0ther t0 me
Th@nk$ m0m, luv y@ l0t$ like jelly t0t$
I ju$t w@nt t0 $@y th@t my m0m i$ the be$t, luv u”
mother day quotes 2015mothers y messagemother\s day 2015 uk y quotes
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f G0d.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f L0ve.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f 0ur $trength.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f 0ur Winning.
M0ther i$ @ p@rt 0f wh0 direct u$ t0 right p@th t0 pr0ceed.
@nd ..@nd ..$0 0n..
I L0ve my M0ther very much…..
D0n’t let ur M0ther get @w@y fr0m u….
H@ppy M0ther’$ D@y..”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“H0w did y0u find the energy, M0m
T0 d0 @ll the thing$ y0u did,
T0 be te@cher, nur$e @nd c0un$el0r
T0 me, when I w@$ @ kid.
H0w did y0u d0 it @ll, M0m,
Be @ ch@uffeur, c00k @nd friend,
Yet find time t0 be @ pl@ym@te,
I ju$t c@n’t c0mprehend.
I $ee n0w it w@$ l0ve, M0m
Th@t m@de y0u c0me whenever I’d c@ll,
Y0ur inexh@u$tible l0ve, M0m
@nd I th@nk y0u f0r it @ll.”
“My mummy
Every0ne’$ M0ther
Le@rnt l0ve fr0m y0u
when required y0u hugged me @nd l0ved me.
Y0ur e@r$ @lw@y$ li$tened the v0ice 0f my he@rt
Y0u @lw@y$ re@lized @nd g@ve me y0ur $h0ulder t0 weep @nd t0 l@ugh
C@ught me by h@nd$ when I w@$ f@lling
0h!m0ther y0u @re gre@t next t0 @lmighty
but f0r me y0u @re in deep c0rner 0f my he@rt.”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“A m0ther$ like @ r@y 0f $un$hine
Wh0$e he@rt i$ ju$t pure g0ld.
@ m0ther be@m$ with h@ppine$$
th@t’ll never gr0w 0ld.
$he’ll $t@y in my he@rt f0rever
@$ if $he were in$ide
We’ve $h@red $0 m@ny thing$,
We l@ughed, we $miled, we cried.
I l0ve my m0ther very much
@nd $till thr0ugh0ut the ye@r$
We $h@re the m0ther d@ughter l0ve,
@nd @lw@y$ when I fe@r,
I kn0w I’ll @lw@y$ h@ve my m0ther
$0mewhere very ne@r!”
Y0u filled my d@y$ with r@inb0w light$,
F@iryt@le$ @nd $weet dre@m night$,
@ ki$$ t0 wipe @w@y my te@r$,
Gingerbre@d t0 e@$e my fe@r$.
Y0u g@ve the gift 0f life t0 me
@nd then in l0ve, y0u $et me free.
I th@nk y0u f0r y0ur tender c@re,
F0r deep w@rm hug$ @nd being there.
I h0pe th@t when y0u think 0f me
@ p@rt 0f y0u
Y0u’ll @lw@y$ $ee.”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
We wi$h we c0uld tell y0u,
M@ th@t h0w much y0u me@n t0 u$….
We h@ve n0 w0rd$ t0 $@y @b0ut
h0w much we @ppreci@te y0u…
h0w much we @dmire y0u…
h0w much we th@nk y0u
f0r everything y0u’ve d0ne.
We l0ve y0u $0 much M@…
H@ppy M0ther’$ D@y”
“My mummy,
Y0u @re my ‘$uperm0m’ in the wh0le w0rld..
@nd I’m y0ur ‘tinyher0' wh0 @lw@y$ bre@k the rule$
but never @cr0$$ the ‘wild’ b0rder$..
Y0u @lw@y$ pr0tect me with y0ur ‘m@gic t0uch’ & ‘mighty h@nd$’..
Y0u never let me d0wn even if I’m $0 cl0$e t0 be ‘termin@ted’ fr0m the univer$e..
$u$@nn@ 0 T@m, my de@re$t mummy,
I l0ve u t0d@y, t0m0rr0w n till the end..
H@ppy M@m@’$ D@y!!!”
Happy Mothers Day, 2015, Wishes, Messages, Poems, Quotes, Greetings
“My Mummy i$ @$ nice @$ @ $weet
$he’$ @$ pretty @$ @ fl0wer
$he’$ @$ wi$e @$ @n 0wl
$he’$ @$ f@$t @$ @ cheet@h
$he c@n d@nce like the wind @nd c@n even $ing @ little.
But 0ne thing i$ f0r $ure.
I l0ve her @nd I @lw@y$ will!”
“My m0ther i$ @lw@y$ with me…
$he’$ the whi$per 0f the le@ve$
@$ y0u w@lk d0wn the $treet.
$he’$ the $mell 0f ble@ch
in y0ur fre$hly l@undered $0ck$.
$he’$ the c00l h@nd 0n y0ur br0w
when y0u’re n0t well.
Y0ur m0ther live$ in$ide y0ur l@ughter.
$he’$ cry$t@llized in every te@r dr0p.
$he’$ the pl@ce y0u c@me fr0m,
y0ur fir$t h0me…
$he’$ the m@p y0u f0ll0w
with every $tep th@t y0u t@ke.
$he’$ y0ur fir$t l0ve
@nd y0ur fir$t he@rt bre@k…
@nd n0thing 0n e@rth c@n $ep@r@te y0u.
N0t time, N0t $p@ce…
N0t even de@th…
will ever $ep@r@te y0u
fr0m y0ur m0ther…
Y0u c@rry her in$ide 0f y0u…”
“A m0ther wh0 never gr0w$ 0ld He m@de her $mile 0ut 0f $un$hine
@nd he m0lded her he@rt 0ut 0f g0ld
In her eye$ he pl@ced bright $hining $t@r$
In her cheek, r0$e$, y0u $ee….
G0d m@de @ w0nderful m0ther
@nd he g@ve th@t de@r m0ther t0 me
Th@nk$ m0m, luv y@ l0t$ like jelly t0t$
I ju$t w@nt t0 $@y th@t my m0m i$ the be$t, luv u”
mother day quotes 2015mothers y messagemother\s day 2015 uk y quotes
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